A Warm, Creative and Stimulating
Environment for Young Children
Established in 1981, Katonah Playcare Early Learning Center is a preschool located in Katonah, New York, serving children ages 21 months to 5 years of age.

A Warm, Creative and Stimulating
Environment for Young Children
Established in 1981, Katonah Playcare Early Learning Center is a preschool located in Katonah, New York, serving children ages 21 months to 5 years of age.

Center-Based classrooms
Centers provide children with the opportunity to make choices, learn to socialize, function in smaller and larger group settings, and become independent and confident learners.
2's Program

A flexibly structured schedule to meet each child’s needs
The main goal of the 2’s program is socialization as well as a successful transition from home to school. The curriculum includes exposure to basic preschool concepts learned through play and hands-on experiences. A daily routine allows the children to feel comfortable with the flow the of the day. Within this structure is ample time to choose from various centers for play and interaction with peers.
Must be 2 years old by December 1st.

Preschool 3’s and 4’s Program
Developmentally appropriate
hands-on activities aimed at preparing children for the Kindergarten experience
The 3's and 4's program is an age-appropriate combination of academic, social and emotional goals. We embrace a whole-child philosophy where both individual and group activities are utilized to allow for optimal acquisition of skills. We focus on learning to understand and express feelings and how to be "mindful", an essential lifelong skill.
Must be 3 or 4 years old by December 1st, respectively.

voices of our parents
Mommy and Me
A unique Hour-Long program for parents/caregivers
Let your little one explore the classroom with you while you meet other parents! Explore age-appropriate materials, create art, sing, and listen to stories together. There is also time set aside for parents to come together, while the children are with the teacher, to discuss relevant issues related to parenting in today's world.
Mommy and Me is for children from birth to 2 years old to attend with a parent/caregiver.
Summer Programs

Summer Enrichment
This is a two-week program offered in June for children currently enrolled in the school year. The teachers choose one theme to explore in-depth with the class. In the past, the classes have studied the rainforest and studied music and made their own musical instruments!
Summertime Funtime Camp!
Summer Camp runs for six weeks. Children may attend from four to six weeks, and parents can choose which weeks to enroll. There are three-day and four-day options for summer camp. This program is run by our teachers and incorporates outside fun, arts and crafts, music, lots of play time, and time in the gym.
Summer camp is available to children who attended school in the current school year as well as for those who will attend in the upcoming school year.
Special Events

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